Sunday, February 22, 2015


Breast Augmentation.

Is a cosmetic surgical procedure utilizing implants for the purpose of intensifying the bulk of the breasts. Women may opt for this procedure for various reasons , such as to restore their breasts from sagging due to previous pregnancy and breastfeeding , shrinking breasts due to illness , or also could be due to sudden weight loss.

Usually silicone implants are used. But nowadays fats could also be taken as an implant however such practice is not yet widely observed.

Basic Steps

Initial Action

  • Consulting with your trusted cosmetic professionals would be taken up first. Sharing your concerns and questions on your plan for cosmetic surgery would greatly lead you to a more knowledgeable and wise decision. By being honest and frank on your feelings, you can surely get relevant ideas from them. Gaining insightful pieces of information will lead you to a more realistic view of the possible results.
  • The cosmetic plastic surgeon will have an in-depth examination on your breasts noting all the parts and characteristics of them and checking their condition whether they be safe for augmentation surgery. Necessarily, you need to frankly tell the surgeon what you specifically want to happen on your breasts.

The Surgery

The surgical procedure will take around 2 hours but the total surgery time will depend on the surgeon’s technique and the patient’s specific want for the surgical approach. Usually, general anesthesia is used. However, the decision will rest on the anesthesiologist and on each patient’s unique physiological characteristics.

  • Incisional approach could be through UNDER THE BREAST/ON THE BREAST FOLDS. This would leave a small mark after the surgery, depending on the surgeon’s way of hiding scars. 
  • Incisions could also be AROUND THE NIPPLE. In this case the incision mark could be very discreet. 
  • Trans- Umbilical Incision Approach could also be possible using a fiber optic camera and usually if not only saline-silicone type implants are used in this.
  • And the last common approach will be the ARMPIT INCISIONAL APPROACH. However, these would all depend on the patient and the surgeon’s decision and on the size of the implant.

The Healing Activities

Right after the surgery you will be brought to the recovery room to be monitored. Usually you will stay at the hospital overnight for close post-operation monitoring.

The operated breasts will be wrapped with the appropriate dressings. You will then be advised to wear support bra for the next few days of the healing process.

During the early part of the recovery period you may feel very tired and also feel the pain which would last for a few days. Numbness and tightness might be felt at the same time on the operative sight.

For 2-4 months swelling could be present but would be constantly diminishing.

You cannot take a shower until the incisions are completely closed. You may wash your hair but with the assistance of somebody for you need to avoid raising your arms during the early stages of the healing process.


Every surgical procedure, whether it be medical or cosmetic in nature, carries with it risks and complications. Results could not be ensured 100% for each patient has a unique way of reaction to the process and different healing time.

One should be realistic in her mindset. And one should also note that due to the advent of modern technologies and innovations there are a lot of successful cosmetic surgical  results today than before.
Got some questions?

Please contact:

Tel: 02 635 5414 (5415) (5416)

Mobile: 0869762431(English), 


Sunday, February 8, 2015


"I found the fountain of youth!" exclaimed by an old man  ......
in a fairy tale.

A lot of folklore talk about the existence of the fountain of youth, but there is no single soul proved to have seen it.

Most of us wish to look younger.

Teens love to maintain their looks. And older ones like to look youthful. A sensation generated by the social stigma that expresses: being old means losing attractiveness.

We can trace back the history of beauty preservation many years ago. People in the past had made certain efforts to turn back the clock on how they look. They had made their share of discovery on some of the specific elements used for the rejuvenation of one's beauty. One group for example was the Egyptians in the time of Cleopatra, in which they were well known for making formulas of beauty care.

The  advent of facelift   surgery

We cannot stop the process of aging. However, we can alter its effects.

In today's cosmetic technological advancement a lot can be made to make oneself young looking. There are many kinds of natural and artificial medications that enhances your skin. However, still the most effective and long lasting is the surgical approach in the name of Facelift surgery. Minor and full facelift surgeries are now very popular.

The first facelift surgery was realized more than a hundred years ago by a German plastic surgeon. And then there were a lot of technical innovation of the procedure in the years that followed. With the continuous hunger of man to maintain youthful look, the advancement of the facelift surgery otherwise called Rhytidectomy has been always going further and further.

Brief overview of the procedure

Incisions will be commonly made along the temple or in front of the ears. It may continue around and behind the ears. After that, the muscles underneath will be tightened and some skin will be trimmed if needed. A drain will then be put through the incision to facilitate drainage of the blood and excess fluids. Incisions can then be applied with anti scar cream when the wound is dry and healed. 
This is just a general explanation of the procedure. The surgeon might use any approach which uniquely is suitable for each patient.

The modern day facelift procedure
The total modernization of the facelift procedure brought about the change of the new concept of doing it. Cosmetic surgeons thought about minimizing the ugly scars obtained from the surgery. The modern cosmetic professionals that led the innovation have brought out the goal of giving the facelift procedure a longer lasting result. This advancement in knowledge and conceptual changes have led to the greater improvement of facelift surgery.

The credible facility who does the facelift

Patients must look for a cosmetic facility which is manned with genuinely experienced staff and is headed by a surgeon who's truly acquainted and well-rounded on facelift surgery. You may strenously search online or you may easily contact GLOBAL MEDICAL CLINIC for more information.

Experience and technology must go together for the ultimate success of a certain cosmetic procedure. This is why you need to really do an in depth research about the cosmetic surgery provider that you want to engage into.

Just remember
A cosmetic surgical procedure just like any other surgery has also risks and complications that can possibly happen. A person opting for a cosmetic surgery must bare in mind this reality. We need to think that in order to achieve that nice and beautiful look we sometimes need to sacrifice our safety and increase our self discipline. 
However in the midst of all these challenging things, regaining your younger look is priceless.

Got some questions?

Please contact:

Tel: 02 635 5414 (5415) (5416)

Mobile: 0869762431(English), 
